Do you recall the last time you were angry? Do you quickly become enraged when unimportant things occur to you or those around you? Do people who pass you or drive slowly make you lose control of your temper? Do you believe the person or circumstance called for it?

Yash Birla believes that it is an innate human nature to get angry. However, expressing anger to a certain extent is healthy. To control your anger, Yash Birla suggests practising meditation. Let us look at an overview of anger.

Why do we get angry?

Yash Birla believes that more than external factors, the reason for anger lies within yourself. In order to manage his anger, Yash Birla practices meditation regularly. He follows the Art of Living and believes that is the best practice for any human being. Yash Birla’s Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says there are three causes for anger:

  1. A feeling of righteousness – The fundamental reason for anger is the belief of ‘I am right.’ You cannot become upset if you believe that you are wrong. When two people are irate with one another, they both believe they are in the right. You might discover that each of them is correct in their own way if you speak with them privately. Righteousness is a notion and a view that might be personal.
  2. Unfulfilled desire – When a strong desire isn’t satisfied, it makes you frustrated, and frustration makes fury grow.
  3. Being Tired – You become enraged when you are mentally and physically exhausted and have not released the stress you have been holding.

Is anger healthy? 

The fact that most people perceive anger as a bad sensation, especially when compared to pleasure, happiness, enthusiasm, etc., is one of the most prevalent drawbacks of rage. Anger is a normal emotion.

Yash Birla considers anger to be healthy. It’s fine if it only stays for a little while. You can use anger as a tool to accomplish your goals. When you speak to them politely, they occasionally won’t listen, but when you become angry, they do. You are able to bring discipline. But if anger starts eating your own mind, your own energy, it will be disastrous for you. Anger is like fire which can give you warmth and can burn you too.

The majority of us have occasionally struggled to control our wrath. When you lose control of your rage, how you respond is what matters. When it spirals out of control and turns destructive, it may produce issues like conflicts in your personal and professional relationships, which will lower your level of life overall, among other things.

There are many things that are beyond your control that can make you angry. Your state of mind is the only factor you cannot control when having an outburst.

Why you should control your anger

Anger sets off a person’s natural flight-or-fight response. Your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate all rise. You begin to hyperventilate and become unable to distinguish between right and wrong. When anger is “recurrent and unmanaged,” metabolic changes are ultimately triggered that have an impact on your general quality of life as well as your health. This overview of anger will help you to understand it better.

Here are some of the disadvantages of anger when left unmanaged: 

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Weak immunity
  • Skin problems
  • Insomnia
  • High blood pressure
  • Digestive problems
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Migraines
  • Negative emotions
  • Complications in pre-existing health conditions