Mr Yash Birla has recently launched his fitness book, “Building The Perfect Body.” In the course of promoting his book, he visited the JMK Fitness Club in Mulund. “Building The Perfect Body” is written by Yash Birla, but it is not just a fitness book. Instead, it is an exploration of his whole fitness journey. It focuses on one basic but crucial concept: fitness isn’t only a physical game; it’s also a mental one.
JMK Fitness Club is one of the biggest gyms in Mumbai with an area of around 18,000 sq ft. Mr Yash Birla at the JMK Fitness Club, Mulund, had a really great time along with his longtime friend, who is also a Former MTV Splitsvilla contestant and a Runner up of Marathi Bigg Boss season 2, Mr Jay Dudhane. The gym is certainly one of the best gyms in Mumbai with equipments brought in from The USA and Italy.
Mr Yash Birla at the JMK Fitness Club, Mulund, had an interactive session with the members of the gym where he shared his experiences with everyone. Followed by this, Mr Jay Dudhane also asked him a few more questions about his fitness journey and his relationship with fitness throughout the years. “Building The Perfect Body” is a must-read for everyone, shares Mr Jay Dudhane.
Along with Yash Birla, the other dignitaries who joined him at the event were:
- Mr Jay Dudhane, Marathi Actor, Bigg Boss Marathi Runner up, Entrepreneur, and Model
- Mr Sameer Dabilkar, a Professional Body Builder
- Mr Akshay J Kolhatkar, National Champion Body Builder
This book is Yash Birla’s earnest endeavour to share his experiences with individuals who want to find life-affirming solutions and achieve their objectives. Get to know more about the book, from the fitness icon himself along with the other dignitaries present.
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