India’s leading industrialist and fitness icon, Mr Yash Birla, recently launched his book “Building The Perfect Body.” He has always promoted the benefits of both physical and mental fitness. He is now coming to Body Temple Total Fitness Care Rishikesh for a fitness event to share his personal tips and secrets. The chief guests of the event are Shri Deep Sharma, General Secretary and Ex-Chairman of Municipal Corporation Rishikesh, Shri Ruhaan Bharadwaj, Singer and Swami Bhramanand, Spiritual speaker. The event will be held on Monday, 2nd September 2022, at 7 pm.
“Building The Perfect Body” is written by Yash Birla, but it is not just a fitness book. Instead, it is an exploration of his whole fitness journey. It focuses on one basic but crucial concept: fitness isn’t only a physical game; it’s also a mental one. Yash is the ultimate seeker, and his constant pursuit of mystical solutions drives him to pursue his dual interests of wellness and beauty.
This book is Yash Birla’s earnest endeavour to share his experiences with individuals who want to find life-affirming solutions and achieve their objectives. This book includes instructions for exercises that target each major muscle group as well as other essentials. You can use this book as a blueprint to help you plan a physical and spiritual journey that is perfect for you. Learn more about the fitness journey of Mr Yash Birla in the presence of great dignitaries like Shri Deep Sharma, General Secretary and Ex-Chairman of Municipal Corporation Rishikesh, Shri Ruhaan Bharadwaj, Singer and Swami Bhramanand, Spiritual speaker on Monday, 2nd September 2022, at Body Temple Total Fitness Care Rishikesh from the health enthusiast himself.